Pictures taken at Stanley Park, Vancouver's Best Tourist Attraction
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By Darrin Robertson, VTT Editor - Updated: January 17, 2023
In the fall the leaves are changing and so is the look of the park, take a stroll in the park and enjoy the last of the warm weather and see the beauty of Stanley Park in the fall.
One of the best places to ride is at the park with all the trees and the beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean, so take the time to enjoy Vancouver's Best Park.
Walk along the 22 kilometer or 14 mile Stanley Park seawall and enjoy the ocean and the forested areas to help you escape from the city.
Totem poles located in Stanley Park, carved by aboriginal people from all over the West Coast of BC. These totem poles are one of the most photographed in the park.
Lions Gate Bridge, connecting West Vancouver and beyond to Stanley park and Downtown Vancouver this beautiful bridge brings people from all over to visit this Vancouver Attraction.
When you are in Stanley Park take the time to look at the little things like this spiders web hanging from the long grass.
Sunsets at Stanley Park are unbelievably beautiful from the crashing waves to the calm waters of the Pacific Ocean.
Sailboat moored and enjoying the Sunset.
From the calm seas at sunset to the waves and wind picking up just before sunset.
Waves crashing on the beach hitting the washed up logs.